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Effortlessly Using micropython urequests in Python


Python Tutorial: Using micropython urequests for HTTP Requests


Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used for various purposes, including web development and automation. With the Micropython urequests library, you can easily make HTTP requests and interact with web APIs using Python on microcontrollers or IoT devices.

In this tutorial, we will explore the micropython urequests library and its functionalities. We will provide detailed, step-by-step instructions and include executable sample codes to help you understand and implement HTTP requests in your Python projects.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Micropython urequests?
  2. How to Install Micropython urequests?
  3. Making GET Requests
  4. Making POST Requests
  5. Handling API Responses
  6. Conclusion

What is Micropython urequests?

Micropython urequests is a lightweight, minimalistic library that provides an easy way to make HTTP requests in MicroPython. It is designed to work efficiently on microcontrollers or IoT devices with limited resources.

The urequests library is based on the popular requests library in Python and provides a subset of its functionalities, making it suitable for resource-constrained environments. It supports common HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and more.

Installing Micropython urequests

Before using the micropython urequests library, you need to install it on your microcontroller or IoT device. Here are the steps to install micropython urequests:

  1. Download the micropython urequests library from the official repository.
  2. Copy the file to your microcontroller or IoT device.
    • You can use tools like ampy, rshell, or WebREPL to transfer the file.
  3. Import the urequests module in your Python script using the following command:
    import urequests

Making GET Requests

GET requests are used to retrieve data from a server. With micropython urequests, you can easily send GET requests and receive the server’s response. Here’s how you can make a GET request using urequests:

  1. Create a session object using the urequests.session() method.
  2. Use the session object to send a GET request to the desired URL.
  3. Access the response using the response.text attribute.

Example: Sending a GET Request

import urequests
# Create a session object
session = urequests.session()
# Send a GET request
response = session.get("")
# Access the response

Making POST Requests

POST requests are used to submit data to a server. Micropython urequests makes it easy to send POST requests and include data in the request body. Here’s how you can make a POST request using urequests:

  1. Create a session object using the urequests.session() method.
  2. Create a dictionary with the data you want to send.
  3. Use the session object to send a POST request to the desired URL, including the data.
  4. Access the response using the response.text attribute.

Example: Sending a POST Request

import urequests
# Create a session object
session = urequests.session()
# Data to be sent
data = {
"name": "John Doe",
"email": ""
# Send a POST request with data
response ="", json=data)
# Access the response

Handling API Responses

When making API requests, it is essential to handle the server’s response appropriately. Micropython urequests provides various attributes and methods to parse and process the response data.

Example: Parsing JSON Response

import urequests
import ujson
# Create a session object
session = urequests.session()
# Send a GET request
response = session.get("")
# Parse the response as JSON
data = ujson.loads(response.text)
# Access the specific data
for post in data:
print("Post ID:", post["id"])
print("Title:", post["title"])
print("Body:", post["body"])

In the above example, we first parse the response as JSON using the ujson.loads() method, and then we access the data accordingly.


Micropython urequests library provides a simple and lightweight solution for making HTTP requests in MicroPython. In this tutorial, we discussed the functionalities of urequests and provided step-by-step instructions on making GET and POST requests.

By following the examples and explanations provided in this tutorial, you can easily incorporate micropython urequests into your Python projects that involve interacting with web APIs. Experiment with different request methods, handle responses effectively, and explore other features of urequests to enhance your Python applications. Happy coding!