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Easily Set Python Popen Working Directory


Python Popen Working Directory: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Python Popen function to execute commands in a specified working directory. We will provide detailed, step-by-step explanations and include executable sample codes to help you understand the process effectively.


Before we begin, please ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Python (version 3.x is recommended)
  • A code editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice

Step 1: Importing Required Modules

To start, let’s import the necessary modules. We will need the subprocess module, which includes the Popen function that allows us to execute commands in Python.

import subprocess

Step 2: Defining the Working Directory

Next, we need to define the working directory where we want the command to be executed. In this example, let’s assume we want to execute the command in the directory /path/to/working_directory.

working_directory = '/path/to/working_directory'

Step 3: Executing the Command

Now, we can use the Popen function to execute the command in the specified working directory. The command can be provided as a list of strings, where each string represents a part of the command.

command = ['ls', '-l']
result = subprocess.Popen(command, cwd=working_directory, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, error = result.communicate()

In the above example, we are executing the ls -l command in the specified working directory. The cwd parameter is used to set the working directory, and the stdout=subprocess.PIPE parameter captures the output of the command execution.

Step 4: Handling the Output

After executing the command, we can access the output and error messages, if any. We can then process this information as per our requirements.

if output:
print('Output:', output.decode())
if error:
print('Error:', error.decode())

In this example, we are printing the output and error messages, if any, after decoding them from bytes to a string.

Step 5: Execution Result

Finally, let’s print the exit code to determine if the command execution was successful. An exit code of 0 typically indicates success.

print('Exit Code:', result.returncode)

By printing the exit code, we can verify whether the command executed successfully or encountered any errors.


In this tutorial, we explored how to execute commands in a specified working directory using the Python Popen function. We provided detailed, step-by-step explanations and included executable sample codes to help you understand the process effectively.

Remember to import the necessary subprocess module, define the working directory, execute the command, handle the output, and check the exit code for a successful execution.

You are now equipped with the knowledge to utilize the Popen function in Python and execute commands in a specified working directory. Experiment with different commands and working directories to further enhance your understanding. Happy coding!