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The Uncharted Journey: Expanding Horizons



In this tutorial, we will explore how to get the first column of a DataFrame in Pandas. Pandas is a powerful open-source data analysis and manipulation library for Python. It provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for handling structured data efficiently.

We will cover the following topics:

  1. Getting the first column of a DataFrame in Pandas using iloc() method.
  2. Accessing the first element of a Pandas DataFrame column.
  3. Retrieving the first column name in Pandas.
  4. Retrieving a single column from a Pandas DataFrame.

Before we begin, ensure that you have Pandas installed in your Python environment. You can install it using the following command:

pip install pandas

Let’s get started!

Getting the First Column of a DataFrame in Pandas using iloc()

The iloc() method in Pandas DataFrame allows us to retrieve rows and columns by their integer positions. To access the first column of a DataFrame, we can use iloc[:,0] where : indicates all rows and 0 specifies the first column. The following code demonstrates this:

import pandas as pd
# Create a sample DataFrame
data = {'Name': ['John', 'Alice', 'Bob'],
'Age': [25, 30, 35],
'City': ['New York', 'London', 'Paris']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Getting the first column of a DataFrame using iloc()
first_column = df.iloc[:, 0]


0 John
1 Alice
2 Bob
Name: Name, dtype: object

Here, we import the Pandas library and create a sample DataFrame with three columns: “Name”, “Age”, and “City”. We then use iloc[:, 0] to access the first column. The result is a Pandas Series object containing the values of the first column.

Accessing the First Element of a Pandas DataFrame Column

To retrieve the first element of a Pandas DataFrame column, we can use either the iloc[0] or values[0] method. Both methods return the first element of the specified column. Let’s see an example:

# Accessing the first element of a DataFrame column
first_element = df['Name'].values[0]



In the above code, we access the column “Name” using df['Name'] and then apply the values[0] method to get the first element of the column.

Retrieving the First Column Name in Pandas

In Pandas, column names can be accessed using the columns attribute. To retrieve the first column name in a Pandas DataFrame, we can use columns[0]. Here’s an example:

# Retrieving the first column name in a DataFrame
first_column_name = df.columns[0]



In the code snippet above, df.columns[0] returns the first element of the columns attribute, which represents the name of the first column.

Retrieving a Single Column from a Pandas DataFrame

To retrieve a single column from a Pandas DataFrame, we can use indexing with the column name enclosed in square brackets [ ]. Here’s an example:

# Retrieving a single column from a DataFrame
city_column = df['City']


0 New York
1 London
2 Paris
Name: City, dtype: object

In the above code, df['City'] returns the column with the name “City”.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to get the first column of a DataFrame in Pandas using the iloc() method. We have also explored how to access the first element of a DataFrame column, retrieve the first column name, and retrieve a single column from a DataFrame.

We hope this tutorial has given you a comprehensive understanding of these concepts and helps you in your data analysis endeavors using Python and Pandas!