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Python -m Switch: A Concise Guide

Python is a versatile programming language that offers a wide range of functionalities. One powerful feature is the -m switch, which allows you to run modules as scripts. In this tutorial, we will explore the -m switch in Python and discuss how it can enhance your coding experience.

What is the -m switch in Python?

The -m switch in Python stands for “module.” It allows you to execute a module as a script directly from the command line. This eliminates the need to manually import the module and call its functions within a script. Instead, you can run the module as if it were a standalone script.

How to use the -m switch?

Using the -m switch is straightforward. Simply open your command prompt or terminal and enter the following command:

python -m <module_name>

Replace <module_name> with the name of the module you want to execute. Python will locate the module, execute it, and display the output in your terminal.

Advantages of the -m switch

The -m switch offers several advantages over traditional methods of running modules. Here are a few key benefits:

  1. Simplified execution: With the -m switch, you can execute a module directly from the command line, without the need for any additional setup or manual imports.

  2. Portability: The -m switch allows you to run modules as scripts in a platform-independent manner. This means you can share your code with others, knowing that they can run it without dependency issues.

  3. Isolation: Modules executed with the -m switch are executed within their own namespace. This helps prevent namespace clashes with other modules or scripts in your project.


Let’s dive into some practical examples to demonstrate the power of the -m switch.

Example 1: Running a module with the -m switch

Suppose you have a module called To execute this module using the -m switch, simply enter the following command:

python -m my_module

Python will locate the file in your current working directory and execute it. You will see the output of the module’s execution directly in your terminal.

Example 2: Passing arguments to modules

You can also pass command-line arguments to modules executed with the -m switch. Let’s say your module accepts an argument --name:

python -m my_module --name John

By including the --name argument and its value, Python will pass this information to the module for processing.

Example 3: Running built-in modules

Python’s standard library includes a wealth of built-in modules that you can run using the -m switch. For example, to execute the timeit module, use the following command:

python -m timeit

Python will execute the timeit module and provide performance benchmarks directly in the terminal.


The -m switch in Python is a time-saving tool that allows you to run modules as scripts effortlessly. By utilizing the -m switch, you can simplify execution, ensure portability, and isolate modules within their own namespace. Experiment with running different modules using the -m switch to enhance your Python coding experience. So, give it a try and unlock the full potential of Python!