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Printing Object Attributes in Python


Executing, Printing, and Accessing Object Attributes in Python

Python is a versatile programming language that allows developers to manipulate and work with objects easily. One common task in Python is to print and access object attributes. In this tutorial, we will explore the different ways to execute, print, and access object attributes in Python, providing detailed step-by-step examples along the way.

Executing Python Code

Before we proceed with printing and accessing object attributes, let’s first understand how to execute Python code. Python provides multiple ways to execute code, such as using the command line, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), or online code editors.

Printing Object Attributes

When working with objects in Python, it is often necessary to print their attributes for debugging or analysis purposes. Python provides a convenient way to do this using the print function.

To start, let’s create a simple class called Person that represents a person’s information, including their name, age, and occupation.

class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age, occupation): = name
self.age = age
self.occupation = occupation
person = Person("John Doe", 30, "Engineer")

In this example, we create an instance of the Person class called person and assign it a name, age, and occupation. By using the print function, we can easily print each attribute of the person object individually. This allows us to see the values stored in each attribute.

Accessing Object Attributes

Apart from printing object attributes, we may also need to access them directly within our code. Python provides a straightforward way to do this using dot notation.

Continuing from the previous example, let’s demonstrate how to access object attributes:


By using dot notation, we can access each attribute of the person object in our code. This enables us to not only print the attributes but also manipulate or use them in calculations, comparisons, or other operations.

Using getattr and hasattr Functions

Python also provides two built-in functions, getattr and hasattr, that allow us to dynamically access and check for the existence of object attributes. These functions are particularly useful when working with objects whose attributes might vary or are not known in advance.

Let’s illustrate how to use the getattr and hasattr functions:

attribute_name = "age"
if hasattr(person, attribute_name):
attribute_value = getattr(person, attribute_name)
print(f"{attribute_name} attribute does not exist.")

In this example, we check if the person object has an attribute with the name stored in the attribute_name variable. If it does, we use the getattr function to retrieve the attribute’s value and print it. If the attribute does not exist, we print a corresponding message.


In this tutorial, we have learned how to execute Python code and effectively print and access object attributes. We explored various techniques, including using the print function, dot notation, and the getattr and hasattr functions. With these tools, you are now equipped to work with object attributes in Python with ease.

Remember, understanding how to execute, print, and access object attributes is essential in Python programming as it allows you to work with data effectively, debug your code, and analyze information accurately.