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Mastering Rose Python: A Step-by-Step Tutorial


Rose vs Jack, or Female vs Male

In this Python tutorial, we will explore the concept of Rose vs Jack, or Female vs Male, in relation to survival rates in the Titanic disaster dataset. We will use Python, specifically the Pandas library, to analyze and visualize the data.

Getting Started with Python

Before we begin, let’s make sure we have all the necessary tools and libraries installed. To get started with Python, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Python: Visit the official Python website ( and download the latest version of Python.
  2. Install Pandas: Open your command prompt or terminal and run the command pip install pandas to install the Pandas library.

Once you have Python and Pandas installed, we can proceed to the next steps.

Getting the Data with Pandas

To analyze the Titanic dataset, we will first need to import it into Python using the Pandas library. We can do this by following these steps:

# Import the Pandas library
import pandas as pd
# Load the Titanic dataset into a DataFrame
train = pd.read_csv('titanic.csv')

Here, we assume that you have downloaded the Titanic dataset (in CSV format) and saved it as ‘titanic.csv’ in your current working directory. If the dataset is located in a different directory, you will need to provide the full path to the CSV file.

Understanding the Data

Now that we have loaded the Titanic dataset into a DataFrame, let’s explore the data to gain a better understanding of its structure. We can do this by executing the following code:

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame

This will display the first few rows of the DataFrame, giving us a glimpse of the data.

Survival Rates Analysis

To analyze the survival rates in the Titanic dataset, we will use the ‘Survived’ column. We can calculate and print the survival rates in absolute numbers using the value_counts() method as follows:

# Calculate and print the survival rates in absolute numbers

This will give us the number of individuals who survived and who died in the disaster.

To calculate and print the survival rates as proportions, we can set the normalize argument to True:

# Calculate and print the survival rates as proportions

This will give us the survival rates as proportions (in percentages).

Analyzing by Gender

Now, let’s dive deeper and explore if gender plays a role in survival rates. We can analyze this by comparing the number of males and females who survived. To do this, we can use the value_counts() method on subsets of the data based on gender:

# Calculate and print the number of males who survived
train['Survived'][train['Sex'] == 'male'].value_counts()
# Calculate and print the number of females who survived
train['Survived'][train['Sex'] == 'female'].value_counts()

This will give us the number of males and females who survived and who died.

If we want to calculate the survival rates as proportions, we can again pass the normalize=True argument:

# Calculate and print the survival rates of males as proportions
train['Survived'][train['Sex'] == 'male'].value_counts(normalize=True)
# Calculate and print the survival rates of females as proportions
train['Survived'][train['Sex'] == 'female'].value_counts(normalize=True)

This will give us the survival rates of males and females as proportions (in percentages).


In this Python tutorial, we explored the concept of Rose vs Jack, or Female vs Male, in relation to survival rates in the Titanic disaster dataset. We used Python, specifically the Pandas library, to analyze and visualize the data. We learned how to load the dataset, calculate survival rates in absolute numbers and proportions, and analyze the survival rates by gender.

By leveraging Python and Pandas, we can gain valuable insights from datasets and make data-driven decisions. This tutorial is just a starting point, and there are many more possibilities for analysis and exploration using Python.