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Natural Language Processing with spaCy: A Comprehensive Python Tutorial

In this Python tutorial, we will explore the powerful spaCy library and its various functionalities for Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. We will cover essential concepts such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging, named entity recognition (NER), and more. Throughout the tutorial, we will provide detailed explanations and step-by-step executable sample codes to ensure a thorough understanding of spaCy’s capabilities and usage.


Before we begin, make sure you have spaCy and its language model installed. Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command:

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Chapter 1: Introduction to NLP and spaCy

In the first chapter, we will introduce the fundamentals of NLP and explore some of its key use cases, such as named entity recognition and AI-powered chatbots. We will learn how to utilize spaCy to perform various NLP tasks, including tokenization, sentence segmentation, POS tagging, and named entity recognition.

Chapter 2: spaCy Linguistic Annotations and Word Vectors

In this chapter, we will dive deeper into spaCy’s linguistic annotations and word vectors. We will explore linguistic features, semantic similarity, analogies, and word vector operations. Through practical examples, we will discover how to extract word vectors, categorize texts based on a specific topic, and find semantically similar terms from a corpus or spaCy model vocabulary.

Chapter 3: Data Analysis with spaCy

In the third chapter, we will get familiar with spaCy pipeline components and analyze the NLP pipeline. We will learn multiple approaches for rule-based information extraction using spaCy’s EntityRuler, Matcher, and PhraseMatcher classes, as well as the RegEx Python package. The following topics will be covered:

  • Adding pipes in spaCy
  • Analyzing pipelines in spaCy
  • EntityRuler in spaCy
  • EntityRuler with a blank spaCy model
  • EntityRuler for NER
  • EntityRuler with multi-patterns in spaCy
  • RegEx with spaCy
  • RegEx in Python
  • RegEx with EntityRuler in spaCy
  • spaCy Matcher and PhraseMatcher
  • Matching a single term in spaCy
  • PhraseMatcher in spaCy
  • Matching with extended syntax in spaCy

Chapter 4: Customizing spaCy Models

In the final chapter, we will explore real-world use cases where spaCy models may fail and learn how to train them further to improve their performance. We will cover spaCy training steps and understand how to train an existing spaCy model or train a model from scratch. Furthermore, we will learn how to evaluate the model during the inference time.


By the end of this comprehensive Python tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of the spaCy library and its various functionalities for NLP tasks. With detailed explanations and step-by-step executable sample codes, you will be equipped to utilize spaCy for a wide range of NLP applications. Start exploring the power of spaCy and enhance your NLP projects today!