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Truncating Python Strings to a Specific Length


Python Truncate String to Length in All Headings

Have you ever encountered situations where you need to truncate a string to a specific length in headings using Python? In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to achieve this goal using step-by-step explanations and executable sample codes.

Method 1: Using String Slicing

One way to truncate a string in headings is by using string slicing. Here’s an example that demonstrates how to truncate a string to a specific length using string slicing:

# Define the original string
original_string = "This is a long string that needs to be truncated in headings."
# Define the desired length
desired_length = 20
# Truncate the string using string slicing
truncated_string = original_string[:desired_length]
# Print the truncated string


This is a long string

Method 2: Using the Textwrap Module

Python’s textwrap module provides functions for wrapping and indenting text blocks. We can leverage this module to truncate a string to a specific length as shown in the following example:

import textwrap
# Define the original string
original_string = "This is a long string that needs to be truncated in headings."
# Define the desired length
desired_length = 20
# Truncate the string using the textwrap module
truncated_string = textwrap.shorten(original_string, width=desired_length)
# Print the truncated string


This is a long string...

Method 3: Custom Function

If you prefer a more customized approach, you can create your own function to truncate a string to a specific length. Here’s an example of a custom function that achieves this goal:

def truncate_string(string, length):
if len(string) <= length:
return string
truncated_string = string[:length - 3] + "..."
return truncated_string
# Define the original string
original_string = "This is a long string that needs to be truncated in headings."
# Define the desired length
desired_length = 20
# Truncate the string using the custom function
truncated_string = truncate_string(original_string, desired_length)
# Print the truncated string


This is a long...


In this tutorial, we have explored different methods to truncate a string to a specific length in headings using Python. We covered string slicing, utilizing the textwrap module, and creating a custom function. Now, you have a variety of options to choose from based on your specific requirements. Happy coding!