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Easily Practice Python Loops


Python Loops Practice


Loops are an essential part of programming in Python as they allow repetitive execution of a block of code. In this tutorial, we will guide you through various loop types in Python and provide you with detailed, executable code samples. By practicing these loops, you will gain a solid understanding of how they work and be able to apply them to solve real-world problems.

1. The for Loop

The for loop is used when we know the number of times we want to execute a block of code. It iterates over a sequence, such as a list or a string, and performs the desired actions. Here’s an example:

fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']
for fruit in fruits:



In this code, the for loop iterates over each element in the fruits list and prints it.

2. The while Loop

The while loop is used when we want to execute a block of code repeatedly until a given condition is no longer satisfied. Here’s an example:

count = 0
while count < 5:
print("Count:", count)
count += 1


Count: 0
Count: 1
Count: 2
Count: 3
Count: 4

In this code, the while loop continues executing the block of code as long as the count is less than 5 and increments the count variable after each iteration.

3. Loop Control Statements

Python provides several loop control statements that allow you to alter the normal execution of a loop. These statements include break, continue, and pass.

  • The break statement is used to exit the loop prematurely. It is often used when a certain condition is met. Here’s an example:
numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
for number in numbers:
if number == 5:



In this code, the break statement is triggered when the number variable equals 5, causing the loop to exit.

  • The continue statement is used to skip the rest of the code within a loop iteration and move to the next iteration. Here’s an example:
numbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
for number in numbers:
if number == 5:



In this code, when the number variable equals 5, the continue statement is executed, and the remaining code for that iteration is skipped.

  • The pass statement is used as a placeholder when no action is required within a loop. It allows you to create an empty loop without causing any errors. Here’s an example:
for i in range(3):

In this code, the pass statement allows us to create a loop that does nothing. You can replace it with the appropriate code when needed.


In this tutorial, we explored different types of loops in Python and provided detailed and executable code samples. By practicing these loop examples, you have now learned how to use loops effectively to solve various programming problems. Remember to experiment with different scenarios and apply your knowledge to real-life situations. Happy coding!