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Ultimate Guide: Python Threads Returning Values


Python Threads: Returning Values


In this tutorial, we will explore how to return values from threads in Python. Threads are a way of achieving parallelism in programming, allowing multiple operations to run simultaneously. While threads can perform tasks in parallel, they generally do not return values by default. However, there are several techniques and modules in Python that allow us to retrieve results from threads. In this tutorial, we will cover three common methods for returning values from threads: using global variables, using instance variables, and using the concurrent.futures module.

Method 1: Using Global Variables

One way to return values from threads is by using global variables. By declaring a variable as global, we can access and modify its value across different threads. Let’s see how this can be done:

import threading
# Global variable to store the result
result = None
# Function that modifies the global variable
def calculate_square(num):
global result
result = num * num
# Create a thread and pass the function with arguments
thread = threading.Thread(target=calculate_square, args=(5,))
# Start the thread
# Wait for the thread to finish
# Print the result
print(f"The square value is: {result}")

In this example, we create a thread that calculates the square of a number using the calculate_square function. The result of the calculation is stored in the global variable result. After the thread finishes execution, we can access and display the result.

Method 2: Using Instance Variables

Another method to return values from threads is by using instance variables. Instance variables are accessible across different methods within a class. Let’s take a look at how this can be implemented:

import threading
class Calculator:
def __init__(self):
self.result = None
def calculate_square(self, num):
self.result = num * num
# Create an object of the Calculator class
calculator = Calculator()
# Create a thread and pass the method with arguments
thread = threading.Thread(target=calculator.calculate_square, args=(5,))
# Start the thread
# Wait for the thread to finish
# Print the result
print(f"The square value is: {calculator.result}")

In this example, we define a class Calculator that has an instance variable result. The calculate_square method performs the calculation and stores the result in the result variable. After the thread finishes execution, we can access the result using the instance variable.

Method 3: Using the concurrent.futures Module

The concurrent.futures module provides a high-level interface for asynchronously executing callables. It offers a ThreadPoolExecutor class that can return the result of a thread using the submit method. Let’s see an example:

import concurrent.futures
# Function that calculates the square
def calculate_square(num):
return num * num
# Create a thread pool executor
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
# Submit the function with arguments to the executor
future = executor.submit(calculate_square, 5)
# Get the result from the future
result = future.result()
# Print the result
print(f"The square value is: {result}")

In this example, we define the calculate_square function that calculates the square of a number. We create a ThreadPoolExecutor object and submit the function with arguments to the executor. The submit method returns a Future object from which we can extract the result using the result method.


Returning values from threads in Python can be achieved through various methods. In this tutorial, we explored three common techniques: using global variables, using instance variables, and utilizing the concurrent.futures module. Each method has its own advantages and use cases. By understanding these techniques, you will have the tools necessary to retrieve results from threads and incorporate parallelism into your Python programs.